
Showing posts from May, 2023

Fridge Temperature Control using a RPi and 433MHz Power Plug

  This is my first blog in this category. I am a retired academic doctor who was previously a software engineer. So when I retired in 2016, I naturally moved back to my first love and started tinkering with tiny single board computers and various inexpensive electronic gadgets. I monitor a lot of things in my house. I display the captured data using a Raspberry Pi running InfluxDB , like this: I will explain how that is done on another post. Now for this post, it began when I noticed that my rather expensive bar fridge stopped regulating the temperature. My drinks were rather frozen! The fridge is no longer produced and the thermostat part is not available. So instead of buying another one I built this inexpensive project and it works! Here is how it is done. Parts: Raspberry Pi 1 (like very old) DS18B20 temperature probe (can get from Amazon ) A 433MHz remote control power plug, like this one: To figure out the transmit and receive codes from the remote you need to buy a set of these